(516)-678-3535 Monday - Saturday (9 AM to 7 PM) Sunday (9 AM to 6 PM)


Jonathan Green New American Lawn Feeding Program


Step 1: Crabgrass Preventer plus Green-Up Lawn Fertilizer
Step 2: Weed & Feed Lawn Fertilizer
Step 3: MAG-I-CAL® Plus for Lawns in Acidic and Hard Soils
Step 4: Winter Survival Fall Lawn Fertilizer

The only Annual Lawn Care Program that feeds the lawn and the soil! This program is used in the eastern and midwestern United States where soils generally have a low pH. Our program will not only gently feed the lawn but will kill weeds, balance soil pH and loosen hard soil.

5,000 sq. ft. program
Reg. $99.99 SALE $79.99

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FREE Pick Up, Local Delivery – $20 Flat Fee

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