(516)-678-3535 Monday - Sunday (9 AM to 5 PM)


Hearty Delight Wild Bird Food 15lb Bag


The “No Shells – No Mess” Mix is the odds-on-favorite of birders who have feeders on patios or decks. This is a supreme blend of sunflower hearts and sunflower chips in various sizes, special hulled white millet, peanut hearts, nyjer seed and cracked corn. This blend will attract Blue Jays, Cardinals, Chickadee, Gold Finch, House Finch, Purple Finch, Sparrows, Tufted Titmouse and many more. There are no shells on any of the seed which means no waste and no mess. This is one of our best-selling products.

SKU: 047961285206 Category: Tags:, , , , ,

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