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Gardener’s Gold Organic Potting Soil by Bumper Crop


Good for all outdoor and indoor container plants! A blend of sphagnum peat moss, well aged compost, perlite, kelp meal, dehydrated hen manure, lobster and seaweed.

SKU: Gardeners-Gold-Potting Soil Categories:, Tag:

Product Description

Good for all outdoor and indoor container plants! A blend of sphagnum peat moss, well aged compost, perlite, kelp meal, dehydrated hen manure, lobster and seaweed. It is also pH adjusted with lime as needed. The compost naturally retains moisture and adds microbiology , so the plants need less water and fertilizer.  This soil is perfectly suited for houseplants and all general garden planting.  OMRI Listed for organic use.

Available 2 cubic foot bag

Additional information

Size 2 cubic ft

1 cubic ft., 2 cubic ft., 2 cubic ft. 3 for, 3 lb., 5 lb., 7 lb., 18 lb., 25 lb., 36 lb.

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